

Personalized training for your employees is included in the purchase price of your new Scheibler Brothers, Inc. Egg Carton Printer or Multiple Product Printer. SBI offers this training not only on new machines, but also on custom orders and special projects.

SBI's ultimate training objective aims to teach your personnel how to run a quality print job with solid knowledge of egg carton printer operation. For optimum results, we recommend that SBI train one or two people at any one time. They will become skilled enough to then train others at a later time, thereby minimizing disruption in your workplace.

We teach printing basics, printer operation, and printer maintenance. The training is thorough, and encompasses the entire printing process on your new SBI machinery.

Scheibler Brothers Inc. ©2009 Scheibler Brothers, Inc.
P.O. Box 242, Leavenworth, WA 98826
ph: 509.548.7115 | fx: 509.548.4093
[email protected]